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Why Organic CBD is Better

By May 25, 2021 June 23rd, 2021 No Comments
Beginners' GuideCBD WellnessEducation
Learn why organic CBD is better at Danodan Hempworks

Team Danodan has been working for over a year to transition our products to organic. We have spent countless hours examining every aspect of our business, supply chain, and production process. Our organic certifier, OneCert, has helped guide us through this intensive process. So let’s talk about why organic CBD is better in many ways, and how everything we’ve done is certainly worth the effort!

Better for the Environment

Danodan organic cbd on a hemp leafFor Danodan, quality starts in the fertile soils of southern Oregon. While there are many great farmers, we are fortunate to partner with 10/10 Farms for our beautiful organic hemp flowers.

Organic farming takes care of the land. It protects our rivers and streams from pesticide runoff, which can harm the habitat of countless plants and animals. Growing organic hemp also uses regenerative practices to ensure we can keep growing our hemp for generations to come.

Better for our Products

Danodan Organic Hemp Flower Infusions are arguably the most simple and natural hemp flower infusions around. We believe this simplicity helps our products absorb better and provide real effective results. Our products start with two simple ingredients – organic hemp flower and organic vegetable glycerin – so the quality of those ingredients is crucial.

Danodan organic CBD is better in coffee!As a result, our patented production process demands the best hemp. Using organic hemp guarantees the purest, cleanest hemp for our organic CBD infusions. Organic hemp is grown from seed without any genetic engineering or unnatural processes. When we source organic hemp, we know it is grown in clean soil without pesticides, herbicides, and petrochemicals.

Testing is the best way to ensure that our products are truly as pure and clean as our standards demand. Therefore, we will always test all of our products at every stage of production and share those tests on our Lab Results page. And when we start with Oregon-grown organic hemp, we know that we are guaranteed to make the purest organic CBD infusions around.

Better and Easier to Use

Achieving organic certification isn’t the only change that we’re excited about. Check out these subtle but important improvements on your Danodan products:

  • Mg CBD per Serving on the front label: We have traded our old naming convention (1800, 1200, etc) for a clear illustration of the serving potency right on the front label
  • Gentle, Moderate, and Enhanced: Notice the new keywords on the front label that correspond to the color – Blue = Gentle, Yellow = Moderate, Red = Enhanced. These terms help to indicate how each product’s use and dosage can benefit your wellbeing.
  • No more ‘SHAKE WELL’ instructions: We have added a small amount of organic sunflower lecithin to our Moderate and Enhanced products. Lecithin helps avoid separation and removes the need to agitate before each use. Now just give it a gentle swirl and enjoy!

Check out this great infographic that highlights these new improvements to our labels:

Organic CBD is Better for All

Learn why organic CBD is better at Danodan HempworksWhen you buy our Organic Hemp Flower CBD Infusions, you are doing more than making a choice for your own health; you are supporting multiple small businesses that do the right thing. You are supporting environmental responsibility, the power of nature, and your own community. 

Also, as you may have noticed, we have made this switch to organic and yet all of our products still cost the same amount. We didn’t want to charge you extra just because we are now certified organic – organic products should be just as accessible as conventional ones!

It doesn’t take a scientist to tell you why organic CBD is better. When you taste and feel the effects of our Organic CBD Infusions, you’ll know for yourself that organic CBD is the only way to go.