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Danodan Quality Standards: Potency

By December 14, 2021 No Comments
EducationBeginners' Guide
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We take tremendous pride in our organic hemp flower infusions. So let’s learn about Danodan Quality Standards for Potency, and the steps we take to certify the levels of cannabinoids in our products.

From our gentle, natural processes to our rigorous standards, our goal is always to earn your trust by making the best products and being transparent in all we do. Our Operations Manager Steve Sands is an expert in our production process, certifications, and every aspect of our operation. “We are going above and beyond what is required to ensure the safety of our products,” says Sands.

Here is more information about the steps we take to ensure our potency standards are met as we make our infusions.

Trust But Verify

When we buy our active ingredients – organic hemp flower and full-spectrum hemp extract (for our Moderate and Enhanced products) – they automatically come with a Certificate of Analysis (COA) from the grower or producer. These COAs detail the potency and purity of the raw ingredients, so we can be sure that they meet our standards. Nevertheless, we pay to have these products tested again once we receive them.

“We get COAs with everything, but we still test to confirm potency,” says Sands. To guarantee our standards are met, we have a third-party lab confirm that each ingredient contains acceptable levels of CBD, THC, and other cannabinoids. This way, we know for sure that we can reach our desired potency and also stay well-below federal limits for THC.

Potency Testing of Our InfusionsA lab technician collects samples at our facility, for Danodan quality standards for potency.

To test our products’ potency, a representative from Lightscale Labs visits our facility. By sending a technician, Lightscale can inspect the product, our facility, and guarantee chain of custody from barrel to analysis. This level of scrutiny ensures that samples are collected in a transparent and scientific manner, which best represent the overall product.

Lightscale Labs uses multiple types of chromatography to measure various compounds, including cannabinoids like CBD and THC. This state-of-the-art technology offers the most reliable and accurate data available in cannabinoid testing.

Also, this method ensures that we know the most precise levels of all cannabinoids, especially CBD and THC, in our products. In the case of THC, this means verifying that no product exceeds the federal limit of 0.3%. In fact, our products consistently test at a fraction of that limit, typically below 0.1%.

Our finished products also undergo rigorous testing for purity. Some tests are done by Lightscale, while others are done by Columbia Laboratories, a top-tier lab for a wide variety of testing services. We’ll talk more about these tests in future installments of this series.

Nothing for Granted

We always make sure all of our products are safe and accurate before we bottle, label, and ship anything. “We basically lock down each different batch until it passes the same battery of tests before we’re ready to sell it,” says Sands. “I use our products because I know it’s tested, clean, and there are no compromises.”

We know that you trust us to make the best hemp products available, and we will never take that for granted. At Danodan, quality standards for potency are high because your health and safety is our top priority. As Sands emphasizes, ““To us, there’s only one standard: everything is clear.”

Want to find your product’s COA? Visit our Lab Results page.

Also, check out this helpful article on How To Read Our COA.